Areca Palm (Dypsis) With Lisbon Basket White - 100Cm - Ø21
79,90 €
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Areca Palm (Dypsis) With Lisbon Basket White - 100Cm - Ø21
79,90 €
The gold palm, also known as Areca palm, Dypsis lutescens or Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, is a full, green houseplant with feather-like leaves. These leaves are graceful and useful at the same time. The Areca palm is a highly air-purifying houseplant. The gold palm has it all. With its graceful leaves and full growth, it makes a radiant appearance in the living room. The Areca palm is part of the Air So Pure label, which means that it is a strongly air-purifying houseplant. For example, the Dypsis lutescens is good at filtering all kinds of chemicals from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde. In addition, this houseplant helps to maintain humidity; the plant can evaporate large amounts of water.
The Areca gold palm originates from the tropics of Madagascar. The climate on this island on the east coast of Africa is tropical. This houseplant therefore prefers high humidity indoors.
Delivered together with the Lisbon basket. This plant basket, made of environmentally friendly jute, exudes toughness and fits in various interiors. With natural tones and a white bottom, this basket is ideal for various houseplants. Hand-woven within the sustainable Terima Kasih project, the production process uses completely biodegradable fibers without fossil fuels.
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