
Vda Plant Dracaena ↨70Cm - Ø17Cm + Yucca ↨90Cm - Ø17Cm

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  • Vda Plant Dracaena ↨70Cm - Ø17Cm + Yucca ↨90Cm - Ø17Cm

    VAT included
  • About the Dracaena and Yucca  

    The set of 2 house plants consists of a Dracaena and a Yucca. The Dracaena  Marginata, also called dragon blood tree, and Yucca Elephantipes, also called palm lily, are exotic houseplants. The Dracaena comes from Africa, the tropics of Asia. and Central America. The Yucca originates from Central and South America and is known for its thick trunk. This mix of houseplants will provide a green and cozy atmosphere in your home!< /span>

    Yucca's and Dracaena's fresh from the nursery

    All Yucca's and Dracaena's are shipped directly from the nursery to your shipping address. This way you get the freshest possible plants sent in the most sustainable way.

    Air purification of the Yucca and Dracaena

    The Yucca and Dracaena are not only beautiful houseplants but also an addition to your living room for your health. The large house plants are real air purifiers, which greatly improves the air quality in your home!

    Caring for the Yucca and Dracaena

    The Yucca loves to be in the sun. With a place in the sun at a temperature between 15 and 24 degrees, the palm lily will come to life. The Yucca is an easy plant to care for. A glass of water once every 14 days is sufficient. The Dracaena prefers shade and likes a glass of water when the soil is dry. Make sure that there is no water layer in the pots, this can cause root rot. Fact: These exotic houseplants are not cat-friendly, but they are not toxic to humans. 

    Packaging & Delivery of the Yucca and Dracaena

    The Yucca’s and Dracaena’s  are shipped in a specially designed box. This way we ensure that the plants are sent to you neatly and as quickly as possible. Have the plants been damaged? Then we will send you new house plants for free!

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    Vda Plant Dracaena ↨70Cm - Ø17Cm + Yucca ↨90Cm - Ø17Cm

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