
Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Crassula Hobbit - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

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  • Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Crassula Hobbit - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

    VAT included
  • Hobbit stands for small and so is this Succulent, but small is beautiful! This sturdy Succulent fits in any tough interior and stands out with its robust stems.

    Care of green plant:
    Water your green plant once every three weeks. A handy tip to test whether your green plant needs water: First feel the soil to see if it feels dry. Does it feel wet? Then it is best to wait a little before watering. Place the green plant in a light place, but not in direct sunlight.

    Packaging & delivery
    Our plants are sent to you directly from our nursery. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box, which ensures that plants and pots are not damaged during shipping.

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    Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Crassula Hobbit - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

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