
Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Haworthia Limifolia - Pot Size Ø6Cm - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

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  • Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Haworthia Limifolia - Pot Size Ø6Cm - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

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  • The spiny, intensely green Haworthia limifolia is striking in its appearance. This succulent grows in a triangular shape and is mainly found in South Africa between rocks or in the shade. On the leaves you will find a pattern of white thresholds and watch out for the tip of the leaf, it is sharp!

    Care of green plant:
    Water your green plant once every three weeks. A handy tip to test whether your green plant needs water: First feel the soil to see if it feels dry. Does it feel wet? Then it is best to wait a little before watering. Place the green plant in a light place, but not in direct sunlight.

    Packaging & delivery
    Our plants are sent to you directly from our nursery. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box, which ensures that plants and pots are not damaged during shipping.

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    Kolibri Greens | Green Plant - Succulent Haworthia Limifolia - Pot Size Ø6Cm - Green Houseplant - Fresh From The Nursery

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